#dmc shadow
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hifchn · 1 year ago
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quick appreciation post for him and his big cat
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bleedingivorydraws · 1 year ago
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flockoff · 1 year ago
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In a another world, Peak of Combat has a plot that involves Time Travel Shenanigans which puts V in one of the Funniest Situations.
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orosuz · 1 year ago
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meow-super-cat · 2 years ago
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Official DMC images that I use as reaction images
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phantom-alpha · 3 months ago
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just here to feed the dmc fandom then run away again
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of-pale · 14 days ago
Truly a V and Shadow moment:
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sindevilslit · 7 months ago
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shadow but she’s a fucked up crinkle scrunkle kitten
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wyverncult · 2 years ago
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good kitty :]
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royal-gaurd · 1 year ago
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Honk shoo
Sleepy demons!
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labrabuleta · 17 days ago
A completely random curiosity: in the portuguese subtitles, Shadow is addressed as a "female cat" and, for some time, the brazilian fandom took it as a 'headcanon' that Shadow is a "kitten".
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thebluerose · 1 year ago
Well shit, boredom is one hell of a drug.
I actually miss this cat.
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bleedingivorydraws · 1 year ago
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Cats are liquid (Shadow edition)
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animelovelover123 · 1 year ago
DMC: Family Pet AU – Meeting the Family (Part 1/3)
Link to Master List [Links to other parts can be found in master list.]
If you were taken by almost any other demon family, you would have been dragged away without warning and thrown to the proverbial sharks to start your job of pleasing and breeding immediately. But this was the Sparda family who saw you for the beautiful, intelligent, slightly frightened demon Pet that you were. Not only were they not forcing you to be their Pet, giving you a couple of months with them to decide if you wanted to stay, but they also made sure not to overwhelm you by introducing you to everyone all at once. They let you meet each family member individually or in pairs over the course of a few days. This is how each of them feels leading up to meeting you and how they react to you when you meet. Organized in order of meeting them.
Sparda and Eva
(see <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/animelovelover123/729852959538757632/dmc-family-pet-au-adoption-process?source=share">here</a> for lead-up)
Leading up to the meeting, Sparda was nervous. Not about the quality of your person, he trusted his dear friend Matier to have picked out the perfect Pet for him and his family's needs. No, what he was nervous over was how his family would react to you. And right now, his direct concern was his wife, Eva. She was human, and so was not raised with, or had normalized, the knowledge of this form of Pet that high-standing demon families had. He also knew that humans tended to prefer monogamous relationships over polygamous ones. So, the idea of bringing in a being purposely meant for platonic, romantic, and sexual relations within a family that already had relationship dynamics within it would seem ridiculous or even gross to many humans. She had been receptive to the idea back when he first brought it up soon after Vergil and Dante were born, but he could tell she was hesitant back then.
What he did not know was that, as the years passed and she got accustomed to family members showing more than simple familial affection, Eva had come to accept the idea and even look forward to it. Yes, when Sparda first explained the practice of taking in a demon Pet, she was a bit put off by the idea due to what her human upbringing had taught her. But now, as a woman in her later years, the idea of a lovely boy or girl with canine/feline traits abound with energy running around showing affection openly, well it was an attractive idea, to say the least. That isn’t to say she is dissatisfied with her husband in any way, she loved him just as much as the day they were wed. And over the years she had come to know that he felt the same, cherishing her and their union despite her ageing faster than him. But he was so very busy all the time, watching over the human world and now taking care of their large family. The same could be said for her children and most of her family. They were all off on their own journeys. She could not help but feel a bit lonely sometimes. So having you around sounded like a wonderful reprieve from those solitary days.
When the three of you did meet on the dock on Dumary Island, you were not alone. Ms. Matier and Lucia were present so initial reactions were outwardly subdued out of courtesy. Sparda invited everyone, especially you in your thin clothing, into their boat for warmth, drinks, and snacks. Your first interactions with your new family leaders were calm and quiet.
Despite what some may think, Eva was the one to fall for your charms first. She quickly became infatuated with you, the way your tail would wag when excited or wave lazily in any other emotional state, how your ears would perk and twist whenever someone different started talking, how you looked around curiously with that little tilt of your head. My goodness, she was in love. And though she kept this part to herself, you in the embroidered lingerie outfit and robe drew her attention to your body as well. At first, she only looked because she was a fan of long, flowing clothing, as was her style. But when you sat, laid down, or some form of lounge, the clothes would drape over your body, showing every edge, curve, and contour. She would have to look away lest her face would reveal the rapid pounding of her heart. She was able to keep her expression as her usual calm smile and her face cool enough that any blush that crept up would be hidden by her blush while around Ms. Matier and Lucia, but her husband saw right through her.
Sparda, being the head of the family and a loving husband to Eva for decades, knew how to read his family’s feelings through their various forms of veils. It brought him great joy to see his wife so very excited. In truth, Sparda had worried that she would not take to you well but thankfully Eva seemed enamoured with you already. Now he just had to worry about how the rest of his family would find you. The personalities in his family varied greatly and so they may not all see you as wonderful as Eva seemed to. He could only hope that they would all find their own reasons to love you.
These are the kinds of thoughts that took over his mind as he first met you and took you back to his home. This isn't to say he did not personally find you lovely, it was just how he was, ever wanting to make sure his family was happy and strong. It also did not help that you were a bit quiet at first. It was to be expected as you had been led away from your colony and all that you knew to leave the country with people you just met. Even though Sparda, and Eva, made clear to you that, unlike some other demon families, they were not simply kidnaping you with no hope of freedom. They would take you home and let you experience life with them for a couple of months before asking you if you would like to commit and receive a family mark, branding and binding you to them. Still, your people were self-taught to be quiet and subservient so it would take time for you to open up and show your own unique personality to them. Because of this, Sparda did not make an emotional attachment to you as quickly as his wife.
Eva had rarely had a chance to see Pets like you, and never had the right to get close to one that was already taken by a demon family, so everything was new and exciting to her. Sparda, on the other hand, had seen countless Pets over his couple thousand years of life, especially when serving under Mundus who always had a harem hovering around him. He was not as enthralled by your ears and tail as Eva or reveled in your obedience like Mundus. What he, personally, was interested in was your unique thoughts and feelings which he would not get to see until you got more accustomed to his family and felt safe to express yourself. Until then though, he was happy to watch Eva dote on you and listen to his wife talk at length about how excited she was to get you home and dress you up.
Eva always liked dressing people. She was always the one to decide on outfits for events and family portraits. She had been unable to indulge in this… hobby I suppose you would call it, for quite some time as the rest of the family were far too old to have Eva play dress up with them. And Sparda, being that he was so large, had to have all his clothes tailor-made so she could not simply go to a store and make him try things on. Oh, what fun she would have, especially if she could get Trish to accompany her. The two women had an eye for fashion, though their styles varied, but they were respectful of each other and would both take turns dressing you and complimenting you and each other’s choices.
Eva was so excited for the future she could share with you in the family. Sparda was hesitantly excited about what dynamics you would bring to the family.
Trish was honestly surprised when Sparda announced that he planned to adopt a Pet for the family. She figured that, with how spread out the family was and the fact that they had humans in the group, having a demon Pet would be complicated. Then again, the family was already pretty open with getting it on with each other so having someone around purposely to cuddle and have sex with made sense. Trish was always annoyed when she was left waiting for someone to show up just to find out that “another family member jumped me and I just couldn’t reject them”. This was very much a Dante problem, but it was still annoying as hell. And he was infecting others with the same problem! Nero and Nico she got, but even V did it occasionally. Damn you, Dante.
Anyway, Trish herself wasn't opposed to the idea. If she was being honest, when she worked under Mundus and watched his Pets lounge around and pamper him, she found herself wanting a Pet of her own. A cute little thing at her beck and call that she could play with as she wished, what was there not to like? And when she finally met you, she was not disappointed.
Eva had called her up while Sparda and she were still on the boat ride back to the country, asking for her assistance in purchasing a wardrobe for you, who had but one outfit to your name. Trish agreed, of course, never missing an opportunity to go shopping with someone else's money. Even though Sparda claimed he was serious about not buying anything too frivolous, getting money out of him was so easy. So “yes dear sister, of course I will help you buy clothes for our sweet little Pet”, “and maybe I’ll get a few things for myself” but she kept that last bit to herself. She would also get to see you sooner than expected, which was definitely a plus.
When Trish laid eyes on you while sitting in a grassy nook of the shopping center, she fell in love just as quickly as Eva. You were so small, compared to her who was already taller than average thanks to being a demon and always wearing high heels, so cute and innocent looking with your ears, tail, and curious expression, yet sexy with the little lingerie set you had on. A perfect mix of physical traits that made her want to both coddle you and mess with you a little. This was going to be fun.
And so, Eva and Trish linked arms with you and whisked you away, Trish instructing Sparda to leave the shopping to them while he does his leadership duties. “We’ll give you the bill after big guy.” You three spent the next few hours bouncing from store to store. Even though the two women had differing styles, Eva liking prettier flowing clothing and Trish liking sexier tighter clothing, they were the kinds of people who didn’t argue over which to get, they just got both. And it did not matter what gender you technically were. Skirts and pants, heels and sneakers, panties and boxers, they were all on the table.
As you three shopped though, Trish started paying more and more attention to your subtle reactions to things. As a Pet, you were meant to be quiet and accept what was offered to you, but Trish wasn’t heartless. She was not going to deny your thoughts or feelings just to fit her own needs. So she picked up on your little expressions and gestures and responded to them without pressuring you to talk more than you were comfortable with.
“Not your style kitten? How about something like this?”
“Oh, is that a little too tight? We can get a size up.”
“I saw that little smile, you like this one don’t you kitten?”
Through these little interactions, Trish got the chance to know you on a bit more of a personal level. Her attention started to drift from simply shopping and fashion to waiting to tease out more of your opinions on things. Things were a lot more fun when you were less like an obedient dog and more like an independent cat. Although the most fun was seeing you get all flustered when she dragged you into her changing room to help zip her top up.
Oh, she was going to have a lot of fun with you.
V and Familiars
V was curious, but not all that interested in you. In short, he was a new being. He had only been in existence for a couple of years, with most of that time being spent fighting any thoughts and feelings that may lead to him becoming an individual who desired to keep living as he was bound to the fate of returning to Vergil, just a piece of someone else. Right now, V was far too busy trying to find and define himself as something unique. Many family members say he has already achieved this individuality he seeks but V could still feel remnants of Vergil’s thoughts and feelings in him and it frustrated him, almost like he was squandering the chance he had been gifted at his own life. This is all to say that someone new joining the family whose primary purpose was comfort and sexual gratification was of little concern to him at this time in his life. Yes, he may indulge in intimate moments from time to time as he was an adult and such urges were a fact of life. But these things were done mostly when others set upon him looking for attention or when simply being in another's company and the mood starts to shift in that direction. He would follow the flow of the moment but he never sought out these things. So, having no emotional connection with you yet, the only reason you and he would be together is if he came to you seeking intimacy, which he would not do. Add to this the fact that he was more of an introverted and introspective person who was not one for much physical affection meant that, at least until you formed an emotional connection, you two had little reason to show each other affection. When the family discussed who would meet you, in what order, and where, V made little to no comments. He would meet you of course out of politeness and to settle his own curiosity, but when and how was up to fate. Looking back on it though, he wished that he had made a plan rather than what happened.
As V and his familiars entered the mansion after an impromptu soul-searching trip and were now in need of a safe place to rest, Shadow immediately picked up a new scent. It was that of a demon. Curiously though, there was something familiar in it. Once V noticed her curiosity he quickly deduced that it was you, the new Pet, that his familiar was sensing. It was early in the morning though and he did not wish to bother you as the sun was still cresting over the horizon. Griffon, though, encouraged Shadow to indulge in her curiosity against V’s wishes because he wanted to meet the new Pet, who was on roughly the same tier in the family hierarchy as him, and because he wanted to annoy V for the fun of it. So, despite V’s calls to return, Shadow tracked you down to your room, curious about this familiar node to your scent.
You were in your personal bedroom, which Sparda and Eva had gifted you after bringing you, and your multitude of shopping bags, home to their mansion. You three, plus Trish, had had a wonderful dinner together. Then you had a chat about basic rules and responsibilities, which was more so a rundown of the family and assurances that you were free to do, say, and go where you pleased within reason, and then you were sent to rest as you had a long and difficult day. But you could not sleep due to a mix of being anxious about your new situation and not being used to sleeping without your colony surrounding you. So, when you heard the light sound of scratching at your door and the sound of curious, deep-toned mewing, you were wide awake and able to answer the door.
Upon opening your door, you were greeted with a blur of fathers and cackling as Griffon came darting into the room, Shadow practically pressing her nose against you to sniff at you, and V trying to keep his composure while two of his familiars caused chaos. It took a moment, but he was able to wrangle his familiars into calming down a bit, and it was then he could properly greet you and introduce himself.
V was a bit frazzled and annoyed that your first introduction to him was at a moment of weakness where he was unable to control his familiars and he, unintentionally, barged into your personal space. He was determined to make a better impression out of this unexpected meeting though so invited you on a walk in the garden. That was a much more appropriate place to get to know each other and would give everyone a chance to cool off from all the excitement. The air outside was still and crisp in the morning, offering a more serene environment.
V walked beside you at a respectful distance, leaving you to grow closer if you wished without imposing any of his own desires. He watched you closely though, fascinated by your every movement. You were both rather quiet, him being an introspective type and you, outside of your personality, were still hanging onto the teaching of your colony that you were to be like a pretty doll that was played with. Griffon filled the silence at first, which helped kickstart conversations, even if Griffon was a bit crude in his topics. Still, you were both rather mysterious to each other, V being naturally that way and you trying to stay in your role as a perfect Pet. Yet, even when silence hung between you two or the air was only filled with his silky voice reading his treasured poems to you, it was not a cold silence. It was not like the awkward silence of two strangers stuck together. It was like the silence of two lovers who needed no direct communication, verbal or physical. Just the feeling of being close was enough to bring peace and comfort.
Griffon hovered around or would land on nearby plants and garden furniture to start, or throw his two cents into, conversations. Despite V trying his best to make a good impression, Griffon took joy in messing with his attempts whenever he could and would speak his mind despite you two having just met. He made jokes and comments about sex and breeding, about the future infighting that might occur when everyone in the family wants a piece of you at the same time, and threw insults at every family member and the things you would have to deal with while serving them. It was needlessly harsh at times, but he ended up giving you a lot of valuable information. Plus, he did make you laugh sometimes, which made his chest puff out in pride and endeared you to him a bit.
Shadow followed you closely at first. She sniffed at you and gazed at your tail and ears until she figured out that the familiarity in your scent was due to your species, which was a combination of many species being bred together, having some form of feline/canine genes. The scent you naturally released had some similarities to feline and canine scents, that is what she was smelling. Once she figured that out, she regarded you as an ally similar to her and felt connected to you. Even if you were more humanoid than feline, she still licked at you, rubbed against you, batted at you, and generally showed you favour like you were a fellow large cat.
V and Griffon were both unsure about you meeting Nightmare so soon, even if it had calmed down its blind violent nature into a defensive golem-like state. It was still big, frightening, and would attack any demon it viewed as a threat to its master. Still, Nightmare wiggled and called for release, its power vibrating through V’s body like an engine rearing to go. So, after checking with you to see if you would be okay with it, V cautiously called him out, though was ready on the proverbial trigger to expel him at any second. Nightmare did not speak to you, not uttering any of its rarely made low screech or growl-like noises that came out during battle. It stared at you for a few seconds before raising one of its large arms towards you. It approached you slowly and pressed its hand against you gently, making sure to retract its claws before doing so. For a while Nightmare simply held that position, its hand laying on you, technically not moving but you could feel its hand nubs wriggle and its gooey skin ungulate against you. It felt much like how a starfish on your skin would feel but on a larger scale. Eventually, it lifted its hand off of you, then brought it down, then up, then down, then up, and down one more time. After those slow pats, it dissolved away, seemingly satisfied with what it found out about you through this contact.
The group of 4 all approved of you and, though not all would admit it, were already growing fond of you. Even if V still wanted to focus on finding himself, he wouldn’t mind exploring himself with you.
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lethal-artisan · 1 year ago
We know how you feel about the chicken but what about the pretty kitty Shadow?
Shadow is an awesome cat. A demon panther that can shapeshift? Hell yeah! He's very quiet and listens great. Does a fine job of keepin' V's ass alive. And he's real soft and fluffy. I can see why V keeps him around.
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sunflowey · 7 months ago
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